Sunday, November 8, 2009

How to lose 5 pounds in one Week

How to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week - Quick and Healthy?

Author: Jennifer Olsson

Are you, just like I was, misled by the eye-catching headlines about diets that says – Lose X pounds in little or no time? Of course you are, but why? Does it make any sense to believe that you could lose 10 pounds of fat in a week when you know that it can’t be done, at least not in a healthy way?

In this article I will show you that there actually are ways to lose weight fast but that it is not healthy for you. We could make a deal, well, it is you that have to make a deal with yourself. I will show you a method that guarantees a weight loss of at least 5 pounds per week in the healthiest way (not meaning that it is healthy but better than lots of other diets) and you will also learn why a superfast weight loss is dangerous to your health and the do’s and don’ts in fast weight loss.

First, as promised, the fast weight loss diet: This diet is composed to speed up your metabolism and it must be followed exactly. You may not use any spices except salt and peppers. It is important to remember to drink a lot of water, preferably water that is isotonic, meaning that it has added minerals that make it chemically look like you body fluids. To give this diet a boost be sure to do some cardio exercising to speed up the fat burning process.

Here is the menu:

Day 1:

Breakfast: ½ grapefruit, 1 toast (no butter), 2 teaspoons of peanut-butter

Lunch: 5 fl oz of tuna-fish, 1 toast.

Dinner: 3 oz beef (lean), 10 fl oz green beans, 10 fl oz beetroot, 1 small apple, 10 fl oz vanilla ice-cream

Day 2:

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 toast, ½ banana

Lunch: 10 fl oz cottage cheese, 5 salty crackers

Dinner: 2 hot dogs, 10 fl oz broccoli, 5 fl oz carrots, 5 fl oz banana, 5 fl oz vanilla ice-cream

Day 3:

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 toast

Lunch: 5 slices of cheddar-cheese, 5 salty crackers, 1 small apple

Dinner: 10 fl oz tuna-fish(conserved in water), 10 fl oz beetroot, 10 fl oz cauliflower, 5 fl oz honey melon, 5 fl oz vanilla ice-cream.

Like mentioned before it is very important to follow this diet like it is written above, if it is altered in any way it may not work for you.

Now you will learn why this diet is not healthy. First of all it makes you lose weight faster than the body can burn fat. Even if you drink a lot, the weight loss will consist of 20% fat, 40% water and 40% lean muscle. So let’s say that you lost 5 pounds, according to the percentage above you lost 1 pound of fat, 2 pounds of water weight and 2 pounds of lean muscle. Did you want to lose that much muscle? Probably not. All of the diets making you lose more than 1-2 pounds per week will burn your muscle mass for energy.

Now, why is that? The body saves the fat stored in your body for a rainy day (starvation period) and if you are on a diet and don’t exercise and use your muscle to the fullest extent your body figures that the muscle is not necessary to save and it will start using it for energy.

The diet above could be executed once a week but it will not give you a long-lasting weight loss. To lose weight for good you have to compose your menu to have the right amount of protein, the right kinds of fat and some great carbs. Those three nutrients cover our total calorie intake. To be a successful dieter(meaning that the fat is burnt and not the muscle) you should reduce your calorie intake by 10-20% and increase your calorie consumption, and how do you do that? Well, you have to start exercising and do some weight-lifting.

Now you know how to lose weight fast (I guarantee that the menu above works) so stop looking for any more fast weight loss diets. You also know why a fast weight loss is only a temporary weight loss and most important, you know that there are no shortcuts to get rid of those extra pounds. It is really a really easy equation: (Calorie intake) – (Calorie burnt) = weight loss/gain. Simple? Yes! But it is not that easy to achieve because it requires some fundamental change of attitude to foods, exercise and body.

If you decides to go on the diet explained, do so as a life-saver for now, but stop procrastinating and start to lose weight the right way after this panic-fast weight loss.

This article is merely an introduction, but if you are still reading you have taken the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle.


About the Author:

Jennifer Olsen was a professional dieter until recently when she found a diet that that was foolproof. Today she is a fool for easy diets and easy exercising. Visit her site with exercises and diets.

Are You Ready For Change?

Article Source: - How to Lose 5 Pounds in 1 Week - Quick and Healthy?

Thigh Exercise for Women

Thigh Exercises For Women

Author: Nitin Chhoda

For women, shaping the muscles of the thighs is an important fitness goal. A shapely lower body is considered very feminine, and the right proportion of the waist to the hips is part of the equation. It's surprising, but true, thigh toning exercises can be done at home, without equipment and results can be seen in 4-6 weeks. Also, did you know that thigh and hip toning gadgets are not required if you know which exercises work, and how to do them. Most importantly, thigh exercises are most effective when combined with aerobic exercise and a healthy diet.

This means that women must not only do the right thigh exercises, but also include aerobic exercise and sound nutrition to get best results. The following exercises are the most effective front thigh exercises for women. The routine also includes inner thigh and rear thigh exercises.

For best results, start with 15-20 repetitions and one set. Increase gradually to 2 sets. Complete the routine at least 2 times a week for best results. This is an effective beginner to intermediate toning program. Please remember that these numbers are general guidelines only. For an optimum program tailored to your needs, please consult a certified personal trainer. If you have any injuries or medical ailments, please obtain a physicians clearance before starting any exercise program.

Wall Squat: Front Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position: – Place your upper back against a smooth wall. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Distribute your body weight equally between both feet and lean back against the wall. Movement: – Inhale, keeping your heels in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position while sliding down the wall. Exhale as you slowly straighten your legs, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required.

Standing Dumbbell Squats: Front Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position:- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang down at your sides. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward. Distribute your body weight equally between both feet. Movement:- Inhale, keeping your heels in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position. Exhale as you slowly straighten your legs, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required. 5 lb dumbbells work well, but you can start with 2 lbs and then work your way up to 5 lbs within 3-5 weeks.

Lunges: Front Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position: – Assume a standing position with your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart. Grasp a barbell with a wider than shoulder width grip and place it across your shoulders. Movement: – Inhale, keeping your back vertical and slightly arched, slowly step forward with one leg making a long stride, lowering your body down slowly until your rear knee lightly touches the floor (if you cannot go as low as this, then work your way up to it over 2-3 weeks). Exhale and shift your weight backwards, taking one step (or 2-3 small steps if that sounds difficult) to return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Remember to consult your doctor before this or any other knee exercises if you have had any knee trouble!

Lying Face Down: Front Thigh Stretch.

Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on a matt with your legs together. Movement: Reach behind you and grasp your right ankle with your left hand. Pull your right heel up as far as you can. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Please remember to hold for 10 seconds for this stretch.

Seated Split Stretch: Inner Thigh Stretch.

Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt and spread your legs as far as you can. Movement: Lean to your right side and reach for your toes. Rest your hands on your toes or at your ankle. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side.

Seated Butterfly: Inner Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt with your back straight. Movement: Bring the soles of your feet together and pull them in as close to your body as you can. Allow your hands to rest on your feet or to apply light pressure to your thighs. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Hold this position for 10 seconds. You will find this most effective if you gently push your knees down using your hands, be careful not to push too much.

Seated Hip Twist: Outer Thigh And Rear Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt with your legs straight out in front of you. Movement: Bend your right knee and place your right foot over your left leg. Wrap your arms around your right knee and gently pull it in towards your left shoulder. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Remember to hold for 10 seconds.

Lying Leg Pull: Total Thigh Exercise.

Starting Position: Lie on your back on an exercise matt with your knees in the air and feet flat on the floor. Movement: Bring your right heel to rest on your left thigh. Loop your hands around your left thigh and pull it towards your chest. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat as required on other side. Remember to hold for 10 seconds in each set.

About the Author:
For more information and to register for free diet plans and grocery lists, visit , for exercises for women, visit and to train with Nitin, visit

Article Source: - Thigh Exercises For Women

Kick Start you Diet with Cabbage Soup!

Kick Start your Diet With Cabbage Soup!

Author: Diets In Review

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a new diet craze that is helping people everywhere kick start their diets to achieve real success. This plan is not a long term diet, it’s a program that will help you get a head start on losing weight that will get you motivated to lose more.

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a seven day weight loss plan that anyone can use to get started losing weight. This plan uses a combination of foods to help get your body into the weight loss mode. The special cabbage soup is the basis of this revolutionary plan and you can eat as much of it as you want every day! There is no going hungry on this plan, because you can always eat more as long as you stick to the foods outlined in the plan. Other than cabbage soup, you can eat fruit, vegetables, beef, milk, rice, and drink tons of teas and juice. It can be boring eating so few foods, but since this diet should only be followed for seven days, it’s easier than you think!

There are pros and cons to this diet. It can’t be used for more than a week at a time and eating the same thing every day can get a little boring—but the results are worth it! Almost everyone who has tried the Cabbage Soup Diet has been successful and used the diet as a bridge to a more long term diet. Of course, you should always consult your doctor before starting a new diet—but if you are the type of person who needs fast results to motivate you then this could be the plan for you!

About the Author:

Visit Diets in Review For all your diet review needs! Today's popular diet reviews are: Ephedrine | Biggest Loser Club | Jillian Michaels | Check out more diet reviews at Diets In Review

Article Source: - Kick Start your Diet With Cabbage Soup!

Best Diets to Lose Weight

Best Diets to Lose Weight

Author: The Diet Guy

Some thing tasty and yummy and yet you lose weight……

All the best diet plans are based on restrictions on carbohydrates, fats and high calorie products. During diet plans you can take fruits, green leafy vegetables, roughages and foodstuffs having less calories.

Top Diet Plans:

The Cabbage Soup diet has been used by dieters for years. This diet includes many versions but the simple one is that if you eat cabbage soup when you are hungry it will fill you up and will help you stay on low calorie diet. While you are on cabbage soup diet you must not take oily, fatty foodstuffs. This diet has very low calories. Therefore cabbage diet is among the best diets to lose weight.

The Sonoma diet was first prepared by Dr. Connie Gutterson. This diet includes antioxidant vegetables, juicy fruits like blueberries, spinach, whole grains and little almond oil. You can even add a glass of red wine. Sonoma diet is also approved as one of the best diets to lose weight.

Slim Fast diet is very helpful in controlling hunger for more than four hours. Slim fast diet is balanced, nutritional and rich in calcium and proteins. The Slim-Fast Diet plan is planned for dieter to take six times in day. You can add fruits, yogurt and cottage cheese. Fresh vegetables, meats and nuts are also a part of slim fast diet. It is not only diet cautious but also gives you a good flavor and taste. It can be considered as the best diet plan to lose weight especially for teenagers.

Negative calorie diet is less of a diet and more like diet helper. It consists of a list of foodstuffs whose net calorie account is less than total calories taken to digest them. These include high roughages, low fats, fruits and vegetables. Roughage is key content of negative calorie diet. The calorie output here is negative thus it will help losing weight.

About the Author:

Dieting is never easy, thats why we have put together a online site for diets, dieting and diet products, visit but if you reqire a more natrual angle to loseing weight visit Apple Cider Vinegar. An Online guide to a health you!

Article Source: - Best Diets to Lose Weight

77 Tips for Natural Weight Loss

77 tips for natural weight loss

Author: Aneel Samuel

In the twenty years from 1979-1991 the hospital costs for children and youth have risen from 35 million in 1979-1981 to 127 million from 1997-1991 (Preventing childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance, 2005, Institute of Medicine).

The number of obese people is ever increasing. Here are some tips that may help people lose weight.

Weight Loss Tip #1 Eat in a small plate, this will allow you control the amount of food you eat.

Weight Loss Tip #2 Eat less, more often. Not only will it increase you metabolism through the day, but it will also help you control your diet. I suggest the following pattern:
11 a.m. SNACK
1 p.m. LUNCH
4 p.m. SNACK
6 p.m. DINNER
9 p.m. SNACK
Weight Loss Tip #3 Before you for for seconds always wait for at least 10 minutes you might not actually need them.
Weight Loss Tip #4 Use vegetable oil instead of butter for cook and baking.
Weight Loss Tip #5 Set realistic goals. It's okay if you plan to lose 2 pounds a week, but the main thing is you will accomplish it. If you accomplish your goals from the beginning you will be motivated to continue till the end.
Weight Loss Tip #6 Eat early and never miss a breakfast. Eating the majority of your daily caloric allotment early gives your body time to work those calories off, so it's best so it's best to have a healthy breakfast.
Weight Loss Tip #7 Take time to chew your food. Digestion begins with the mouth, when you chew your food it's mixed with your saliva which contain digestion enzymes . You can keep your body healthy if you achieve thorough digestion, so chew your food properly and savor the food.
Weight Loss Tip #8 Avoid stress. Stress causes weight gain due to chemical reactions, listen to so calm music and take deep breathes before eating.
Weight Loss Tip #9 Try salad as a main lunch.

Weight Loss Tip #10 Change your lifestyle. Adapt a new healthy lifestyle. Occassional fad diets will lead you only to gain more weight rather than lose weight.
Weight Loss Tip #11 Tell your friends and family that you want to lose weight. It's good to know that people around you are rooting for you and gives you a boost.
Weight Loss Tip #12 Focus elsewhere while exercise. When you workout make sure you have your iPOD or are listening to music. Divert your focus elsewhere. If you focus on your own body while working out, it will make the work out really boring.
Weight Loss Tip #13 If you want to really lose weight do it properly and join a good weight loss program. Here you can find the top weight loss programs.
Weight Loss Tip #14 Keep record of how much weight you lose, take pictures or keep a diary, to motivate yourself lose weight further.
Weight Loss Tip #15 Eat slowly. It tales time for the brain to send signals of fullness, so it may take some time before you know you're full. It helps you control your diet and lose weight.
Weight Loss Tip #16 Concentrate on more burning calories than you consume, rather than low carb and low fat diets, to lose weight.
Weight Loss Tip #17 Cut out all the negativity. People will try to discourage you when you're trying to lose weight, not necessarily because they don't want you to succeed, but you need to succeed in the goals you set until you are satisfied.
Weight Loss Tip #18 It's okay to compare yourself to others and use that positively, however, don't do everything exactly the same way. Everyone is different and do the workouts that suit your body and keep your own goal in mind.

Weight Loss Tip #19 Women are naturally supposed to lose weight slower the men... ladies don't feel that I'm prejudiced, but the matter of the fact is that biologically as women are the birthing sex therefore they have more fat on their bodies and lose wieght slower then men. Therefore, ladies separate your weight loss goals from that of men.
Weight Loss Tip #20 Avoid weight loss pills. Period. Why? Because it is dangerous both physically and psychologically. So if want to lose weight do it naturally.
Weight Loss Tip #21 Don't go for weight loss surgeries either, because these too can have fatal side effects on the body.
Weight Loss Tip #22 Vitamins are good. Even though vitamin pills are good for you, never ever, use them without consulting a professional.
Weight Loss Tip #23 Have dessert! Don't cut off dessert, your body needs fat. Being healthy means that your body gets all the nutrients it needs, so have dessert, but control at the same time.
Weight Loss Tip #24 Walk a lot. Try walking distances, if you want to go somewhere, try leaving the car home and walk, it makes a difference and helps in the process of weight loss.
Weight Loss Tip #25 There is no way to force weight to come off your stomach (or any other worrisome spots). The good news is cardio exercise is great for peeling off the pounds all over, whether your trouble spot is your tummy or your thighs!

Weight Loss Tip #26 Go for a walk after a meal. It helps in complete digestion.
Weight Loss Tip #27 Think before you eat. Am I really hungry?
Weight Loss Tip #28 Sugar is not good for your body. The more refined it is, the more damage it will do your body.
Weight Loss Tip #29 Don't have white bread, research proves that people who eat white bread are more likely to have bigger bellies. Instead try having whole grain white bread, it will help you in your weight loss plans.
Weight Loss Tip #30 Pasta ain't going to do you any favors if you want to lose weight either. Refined pasta prevents your body from weight loss. Instead of pasta you could try barilla, which is a good substitute which are high in fiber and protein.
Weight Loss Tip #31 Try having a burger with just lettuce, tomato and onion.
Weight Loss Tip #32 Drink LOTS of water. Some people think, not drinking water will help them lose weight. They could be further from the truth. If you don't drink water, whatever little water you do drink the body will store that and you will gain weight.
Drink more of water and you'll lose excess weight and your system will cleaner.
Weight Loss Tip #33 If you go out one night with friends and break your healthy diet. Don't grieve the next morning and start eating junk again. Get right back on track the next day. One night ain't going to make all the difference.
Weight Loss Tip #34 Keep a balanced diet. I suggest the following diet during the day:
Almonds (and other nuts)
Beans (and other legumes)
Spinach (and other green vegetables)
Instant oatmeal
Turkey (and other lean meats)
Peanut butter
Olive oil
Whole grains (breads and cereals)
Extra-protein powder (whey)
Raspberries (and other berries)

Weight Loss Tip #35 Sleep your weight away! Sleeping will help you burn fat, I suggest at least 8 hours a day. It will help you in you weight loss process.
Weight Loss Tip #36 Workout in patterns. I don't think many people can workout for 2 hours straight everyday. I would suggest that you would workout in sets every four or five days max a week.
Weight Loss Tip #35 Don't overdo yourself working out. Start off doing as much as you can, then slowly increase the work out.
If you can do only 10 reps of an exercise, do only 10 and then slowly increase. You can't lose weight overnight.
Weight Loss Tip #36 Having more of fiber at breakfast will make you feel fuller through the day.
Weight Loss Tip #37 When your feeling down talk to a close friend rather than turning to food. It will cause weight gain.
Weight Loss Tip #38 When you reach a even a small goal reward yourself and stay motivated.

Weight Loss Tip #39 If you know walking around in the kitchen is going to make you want to eat, then try avoiding staying in the kitchen or any other place where may feel like eating unnecessarily.
Weight Loss Tip #40 Having an organized refrigerator or kitchen will help you make better decisions as to what eat.
Weight Loss Tip #41 Try making better decisions to breaking bad older habits.
Weight Loss Tip #42 Just because you're getting something to eat for free doesn't mean you have to eat it. It ain't going to cost your wallet, but it's going to cost your waist, so be careful .
Weight Loss Tip #43 Don't wear oversized clothes cause they make you look heavier.
Weight Loss Tip #44 Try high fiber appetizers, it helps you prevent overeating and helps control diet.
Weight Loss Tip #45 Another reason not to skip breakfast is, because after eight hours of sleep, our bodies have consumed no food and in order to increase your metabolism and burn them calories, you need to have breakfast.

Weight Loss Tip #46 Talk to yourself positively, say " I can lose weight!". Motivate yourself. It will help 100%.
Weight Loss Tip #47 Instead of putting mayo in your sandwich try putting mustard, ketchup, horseradish, salsa or pickle relish in your sandwiches.
Weight Loss Tip #48 While baking and pouring milk use the powdered kind instead. It will help you put off calories and lose weight.
Weight Loss Tip #49 Make each meal a well balanced meal.
Weight Loss Tip #50 Make on day of the week vegetable day, not only will you decrease your fat intake and increase fiber intake, but you might also realize that you actually like vegetables.
Weight Loss Tip #51 Try to be more active in your everyday life. Try to walk unto people's desks at work rather than e-mailing them.

Weight Loss Tip #52 Don't avoid nuts as a snack, because they have fat, they also have protein and other nutrients. I suggest a pack of nuts, instead a pack of chips any day.
Weight Loss Tip #53 Sugar-free doesn't mean calorie-free.
Weight Loss Tip #54 Instead of having a soda at the restaurant have normal water, it will save you around 1000 calories per meal.
Weight Loss Tip #55 Skipping meals will help you take off a few pounds at first, but after a while your body will start banking calories and after a while your body won't lose any weight at all.
Weight Loss Tip #56 Always pack a snack with you to work, you don't when you might feel hungry at the office. Rather than eating junk from outside, keep a healthy snack with you.
Weight Loss Tip #57 Whenever you don't feel like working out, think about how good it feels after the work out, the feel of accomplishment and the energy flowing through your body.
Weight Loss Tip #58 Putting on your exercise clothes when you don't feel like it helps motivate you and puts you in the mood for a workout.
Weight Loss Tip #59 If you're feeling down before a working out, have a soda or coffee, caffeine will speed up your metabolism for a while.
Weight Loss Tip #60 If you walk a lot talk things up a notch, try walking faster, jogging or even adding ankle weights.
Weight Loss Tip #61 There comes a time when diet and exercise stops helping lose weight, in that case increase physical activity. Not only will that add muscle, but also help in fat burning.
Weight Loss Tip #62 Let there be at least a three hour gap between your sleep and workout.
Weight Loss Tip #63 Make sure the exercises your doing are not only popular, but you enjoy doing them as well. Here is a weight loss program with good cardio exercises, people seem to really enjoy doing them.
Weight Loss Tip #64 You can take some sort of strength training, provided the doctor gives the OK. Being stronger will help you lose weight sooner.

Weight Loss Tip #65 Sit-ups, push-ups and pull-ups are part of strength training. I usually like to do modified versions, like doing push-ups on my finger tips.
Weight Loss Tip #66 Aerobic exercise is recommended to be done five days a week, however strength training needs to be done only two or three times a week.
Weight Loss Tip #67 Take a day of rest between strength exercise because your muscles need rest.

Weight Loss Tip #68 Keep your goal realistic, but don't keep the timeframe of the goal so far off that you may lose focus. For example you may plan to lose weight by the end of two years, after one year you may get tired and stop trying.
Weight Loss Tip #69 Make small changes to your daily routine and become more active. Small changes overtime will make a big difference in the future.
Weight Loss Tip #70 Checking your BMI (Body Mass Index) can help determine how close you are to reaching your goals.
Weight Loss Tip #71 Don't make a drastic cut in your calorie intake. People make the mistake of doing so, however, it will only cause your weight to stall.
Weight Loss Tip #72 Research has shown that snacking on peanut butter is an effective way to control hunger without leading to weight gain.
Weight Loss Tip #73 You should ask yourself these questions as you begin: Why do you want to lose weight? Are you truly committed?
Weight Loss Tip #74 If you want to lose weight your BAWH must change:
What you eat
How you eat
Weight Loss Tip #75 No matter which way you look at it, 3,500 calories is one pound lost. Whether you take in 500 fewer or burn 500 more calories a day, by the end of the week you'll be one pound lighter!
Weight Loss Tip #76 Your weight will fluctuate from day to day. Resist the urge to weigh yourself on a daily basis, as doing so will discourage you. Weigh in the same time and day once a week.
Weight Loss Tip #77 Building muscle through strength training brings many benefits, including: increased endurance; flexibility; reduced risk for injury; increased energy; and boosted metabolism.

About the Author:

Aneel "Rob" Samuel is the creator of where he reviews natural weight loss programs found online.

Article Source: - 77 tips for natural weight loss

The Zone Diet

The Zone Diet - What is it and Can it Help Me

Author: The Diet Guy

The Zone Diet works on the principle that 100,000 years ago, we were meat eaters, and our metabolism is designed to handle the demands of a meat-based diet.

Madonna, Demi Moore, and Jennifer Aniston swear by the results of the Zone Diet, which was created by Barry Sears, PhD. The Zone Diet contains 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 30% fat and is known as the 40-30-30 plan.

As the food industry evolved, more carbohydrates have been introduced into our daily diet, thus causing an imbalance in our metabolism to burn fat. The reason for our extra weight can also be attributed to the many grains and starches in our diet (pasta, rice, breads, and potatoes). The Zone Diet's approach calls for a return to the diets of our ancestors where meat, fruits, and vegetables are the main dietary foods.

The Zone Diet suggests that you need the right ratio of carbohydrates to proteins and fats in order to control the insulin in the bloodstream. Too much of the hormone (insulin) can increase fat storage and inflammation in the body (conditions that are associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease). Sears asserts that by using the Zone Diet, you are actually optimizing the body's metabolic function. Through the regulation of blood sugar, you allow your body to burn excess body fat.

Although you are not prohibited from any particular food group, it is best to avoid food with high fat and carbohydrates such as grains, starches, and pastas. The ideal sources of carbs are fruits and vegetables and for monounsaturated fats olive oil, almonds, and avocados are recommended. The Zone Diet claims to use food as a drug for overall good health, weight loss and prevention or management of heart disease and diabetes.

Sears says that you can test to see whether you are 'hormonally' correct by eating following the Zone diet and see how you feel four hours later. To simplify the Zone Diet, fill one-third of a plate with low-fat protein, and then two-thirds with fruits and vegetables.

Celebrities and some health experts say that the Zone's recommendations do not stray far from the USDA's (United States Dietary Association) dietary guidelines and therefore are advocates of the Zone Diet. Others argue that the Zone Diet has flawed ratios but Sears argues that the Zone diet is a low-glycemic-load diet that has adequate protein. .

A critic of the Zone diet such as the AHA (American Heart Association) classifies the Zone Diet as high protein and does not recommend the Zone Diet for weight loss. They contend that the Zone Diet has not been proven effective in the long term for weight loss. The AHA issued an official recommendation warning against diets like the Zone Diet. They believe that the Zone Diet is hazardous as it restricts the intake of essential vitamins and minerals present in certain foods. The AHA also contends that the protein ratio in the Zone diet is too high even if the minimal fat ratio is good. Robert H. Ecker M.D of the A.H.A. finds the Zone Diet's theory on insulin flawed and argues that there is no scientific proof that the hormone insulin plays a big role in weight regulation.

About the Author:

Dieting is never easy, thats why we have put together a online site for diets, dieting and diet products, visit but if you reqire a more natrual angle to loseing weight visit Apple Cider Vinegar. An Online guide to a health you!

Article Source: - The Zone Diet - What is it and Can it Help Me